



Sella Concept由Tatjana Stein和Gayle Noonan设立,是一家设计工作室,专注于塑造身临其境的体验式商业环境,吸引和激励所有踏入其中的人。 

Set up by Tatjana von Stein and Gayle Noonan, Sella Concept is a design studio specialising in shaping immersive, experiential commercial environments that engage and inspire all who set foot in them.

两年半前,Tatjana Stein和Gayle Noonan在策划Clerkenwell London项目上相识,围着对方转了几个月,却没有意识到她们总是被对方吸引并有了爱情。今年10月,她们在塞维利亚山上的山顶上步入了婚姻的殿堂。

Two and a half years ago, Tatjana Stein and Gayle Noonan met on the Clerkenwell London project and turned around for a few months without realizing that they were always attracted and loved. In October of this year, they entered the marriage hall on the top of the hill in Seville.


With a background in interiors, events and graphic design between them, they are able to offer a full spectrum of design services, spanning interiors, visual identity and branding, event design and curation. Sella Concept's portfolio includes eye-catching and engaging retail spaces, restaurants, bars, hotels and members’clubs;

Sella Concept已经与Netflix和谷歌等科技巨头合作,为数字世界带来人类体验——有一种不可否认的亲切感。它是温暖和诱人的,吸引你进入她们的世界。对彼此的每一个动作的直觉行为和微妙的反应证明了她们的爱,也证明了她们在这个浩瀚的宇宙中团结在一起的与生俱来的创造力。

Sella Concept has worked with tech giants such as Netflix and Google to bring human experience to a digital world — there is an undeniable sense of intimacy. It is warm and inviting and draws you into their world. The intuitive behaviour and nuanced reactions to each other’s every movement are testament to their love but also to the innate creativity that brought them together in this vast universe.

Sella Concept的作品将生命注入需要生活的空间。她们的设计方法不是建立在理论和建筑的约束之上,而是诞生于思想的融合、对人类行为的好奇研究以及相信空间是可以体验的,而不是简单地被占据的。Noonan和von Stein在毫无疑问和妥协地拥抱彼此的依恋的同时,在所有情境中都接受了人与人之间的联系。

Sella’s work breathes life into spaces that need to be lived. Their approach to design is not one founded in theory and architectural restraint, but one born of a fusion of ideas, an inquisitive study of human behavior and a belief that spaces are there to be experienced and not simply occupied. While embracing, without question or compromise, their attachment to each other, Noonan and von Stein have embraced human connection in all contexts.

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